all about meeeeee

quick info!

  • he / it
  • 20yo ('04)
  • autistic
  • chicano
  • gnc tmasc
  • bi grey-ace


    color: lavender

    animal: red pandas

    flower: hydrangeas

    drink: SODAAA

    food: SUSHIII

    season: autumn

    weather: rainy days

    hobbies: draw, code, game

Hello there! My name's Stanley, the webmaster. I'm just another person who took up coding as another hobby. For half of every weekday, I work part-time in data entry, but in my free-time it truly is a gamble on what I'd plan on doing. Most often I'd get too tired after work to be productive so I usually dilly dally like gaming, coding, drawing, etc. until bedtime. This cycle brings a lot of problems in my life but I truly try my best to keep it together.

My friends say I'm funny, loud, sarcastic, and quick-witted but that's because I'm with 'em and having a good time. When it's just myself then I'm quiet and awkward! /// I can say though that I am an optimistic and easy-going person.


Watching: Lucky Star

Reading: Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

Listening to: Hot Freaks

Fixating on: NOTHING!!!

Thinking about: How I should re-do my entire bedroom.. sigh
